zondag 9 oktober 2011

EURO TRIP: That shit needs to be nailed man.

Day 6: Showtime!

After what happened last night we got to bed in the bus and Joe got his tent up. It was freezing cold in the bus but at least we knew not to expect a riding relax chair aint gonna crash into us or anything. I just slept a few hours but felt pretty fucked up in the morning. Its been years since I slept in the van while being on tour!

Anyway... We practiced on stage roundabout 12:00 just to see what needs more practice and if the set is in a logical order. went pretty well even tho I feel the pressure but I dont worry. As the festival started I sometimes went to the van and practiced for a bit and that payed off! Saw a few cool bands like Pushed too far (Belgium metalcore like Mundane) and To the bone (sounded like a The Bronx/QOTSA coverband) who played for like two hours!

The fans got some sticks, skins and picks.

Chilled in the van and got to sleep.

Off to Germany!

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