vrijdag 20 mei 2011

Gevangen sessies: The Forrester Soundtrack - Froeks.TV

Hi there, long time no talk!
That's right... am busy.


Kensington Arms just recorded their debut full length and is now in it's mixing stage. Same thing for Nom de Plume. We recorded our EP in ten days at Jurrie Meulman with the man himself and Mendel Bij de Leij. Am really siked for both records to be finished!

As for the Forrester Soundtrack: I started the pre production of the first record with Mendel Bij de Leij. Later this year, me and the other member of TFS Rosan Vloedgraven will be recording the record somewhere in a special place. I'll keep you updated on this.

Last but not least, The Forrester Soundtrack did a 3voor12 session this week and it's now online: check it!

Gevangen sessies: The Forrester Soundtrack - Froeks.TV

Well, that's it for now.
I'll be back soon with updates and keep this blog rolling again.
