sKa3 had it's first show in Belgium after the whole ska-gate! The show was in Retie which is 277 km from Leeuwarden. We drove that in 3 small hours. With a little delay we still made it on time. The vibe within the band was better than ever.. and even the hamburgers were delicious there! Maybe that was the reason :P The show was great. We had Ruben to fill in for Atser and he rocked the bloody hammond! Koos stagedived again, We had almost the whole tent on their knees during "Hocus Pocus" and the drive back home was relaxed... (except when Bonne speeds across highways with bumps in the road)
The tourbus.
Backseat Princess.
Beautiful skyline on the way to Belgium.
We seems to have found our way to kill the waiting.
The show in Retie was packed and we had lots of fun! Thanks to the organisation and the people who showed up!
Omrop Fryslân was there to film it. This Friday (17-09-2010) it will be broadcasted on their channel. Check it out.
Last monday 77 students started their courses at the Academy for Popculture (AvP).To start off, 2nd and 3rd grade students organized the introduction week. They came up with a few projects where everyone could choose what they liked best. Some projects were Venezuela, something with alot of B's, a mash up project, a medley project, small movie project and the one I chose: Make a bad song better.
Together with Rosan, Richard, Daan, Corné and Jack Wild we picked out a list of dead wrong songs (Vengaboys, Eiffel 65, Prince, Gordon, etc) and smothered them to reasonable versions. In the beginning it was quite tricky to make a song like "Boom Boom" by The Vengaboys sound like it's a great song to singalong to (I hate the original song to the bottom of my bones) but eventually it turned out to be a bit jazzy, bit soul and more bite at the end. Now I really like it. Especially the way how Rosan sings the song. The other song we stripped and dressed was "Truly Madly Deeply" by Savage Garden. Richard and I decided it had to be dipped in a Paramore sauce and so we did.
Here's a video of the "Boom Boom" rehearsal.
While the project progressed we saw people come and go (just like in real life huh huh) but we were really happy Daan showed up to get behind the drumkit and making it sound so much better.
We recieved good advice and help from Marjan, Maire and Arjan. Next year I wanna step in their shoes for this project.
On Thursday all the groups had to present their work what they accomplished the last 3 days. It's so great to see what all these nice people have been up to. It gives a good view on what sort of musician/artist/designers we have in the 1st years can. Le Efant Terrible (my band/project) was up first. First song (Savage Garden) was a bit of a let down. I blame it on no soundcheck and Richard not standing next to me. Or am too critical :P but Boom Boom went great. It's nice to finally stand on that stage where I've been watching lots of bands and acts for the past 7 years.
The other acts were awesome! (Sorry dont know all the names anymore) Medleyband where N.E.R.D. goes hand in hand with Nirvana and drinking coffee with The Prodigy. I've seen a cool small movie about masterbation (creators who do it raw, I like that) Mashive (mashup) Britrock meets hip hop and lady Gaga (?) An act with white curtains which was really great, something with a Mika song, Put 4 hypes of 2010 in a room, unleash Gordons greatest hit on them and there you have another hatefull song you can love. And last but not least. Brewing the old with the new. A young Janis Joplin with a voice that gave me goosebumps who later collaberated with the J.J. of 2010: Lady Gaga. Both thumbs up and high in the sky.
Overall: This is a great start of the year. Lots of new talent! Holland and the rest of Europe better be ready... The people before us paved the way, now it's our job to put on a new layer...